A colloid cyst is a benign, fluid-filled sac that arises in the area of the brain known as the third ventricle. Colloid cysts are often asymptomatic and found incidentally during imaging tests. It can cause headaches that are most severe in the morning upon waking, nausea, vomiting, blurry vision, gait abnormality, changes in personality, memory loss, diplopia, papilledema, drop attacks.

The common surgical treatments for colloid cyst are craniotomy, and endoscopic excision; in some cases only observation is necessary.

Preop MRI- Colloid cyst in the third ventricle
Preop MRI- Colloid cyst in the third ventricle
Postop CT Scan-Complete removal of the colloid cyst
Postop CT Scan-Complete removal of the colloid cyst

Preop MRI- Colloid cyst in the third ventricle

Postop CT Scan-Complete removal of the colloid cyst